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Daily CrossLife

Picturing Growth

We are convinced that simple things can be transferred. And transferable things can multiply. Simple does not have to be simplistic or superficial.    

This simple pattern in CrossLife is expandable and adaptable. It is a proven transferable pathway to multiply. We’ve watched it multiply

As a growing disciple, we begin to learn our new identity in Christ.

The one who has the Son has the life; the one who does not have the Son of God does not have the life. (I John 5:12)

Drawing a cross reminds us of our new life. As we embrace the CrossLife, 5 things become a part of our daily walk with Christ:

Bible, Prayer, Worship, Fellowship, Witness[i]

Discussing these 5 things, in the context of a picture, can help us remember how a disciple grows.

[i] We first saw these listed together in the follow-up section of Evangelism Explosion (written by D. James Kennedy). We developed the memory method of picturing these 5 things with a cross.